Sunday, December 17, 2006

God sees everything! So do i...

I just had a little chat to my sister. We chat nearly every day. We do it on the phone sometimes and send emails to each others as well but we prefer most chatting on msn.
She is a fantastic creature in the world. She is one of the most important if not THE most important person in my life. However, she is the one i least know. As i had moved out of "home" some like 11 or even more actually 12 years ago with the move i lost the everyday contact to my immediate family and with it to her as well. She was than 6 or 7 years old and i was like 15 or 16. I didn`t recognise the importance of spending time with brother or sister and actually not knowing them would ever leave an unfilled space in me. Well it did. I just realised some time ago what a big space there is in my life and what a big thing this is what i had skipped on. I always found her very important to me in some way but never really could explain in what way. I never really had the chance to spend some time together so i just left it like that and went with the flow.
This summer in around June i came up with the idea. She just finished her high school and passed her application exams towards university so i thought here is the time. Here was the time to get to have the chance to spend some time together. By this age she is adult enough to understand my life. To understand that her brother would never have a proper family and children and she would not put on questions about it. Yes she turned 19 this year. So i spoke to my mom and told her that i would send the tickets and everything i want her here for a month. I said a month but i left the date on her return ticket opened in case she would want to stay longer.
Than she arrived. She was to spend a whole month with me and only with me. No other members of the family only her and i in our little environment making the circumstances easy and uplifted. I was very excited and so was she. Obviously since we never had spent together more than a couple of days in one go ever since i moved out of "home".
Right i was to make her one month full of adventures and fab programs. Showing around in London and taking her to the theatre was just one side of the task. We had to spend the most possible time together to see the most of each others was the other side and the most important part of the challenge. We had some crashes and arguments but i must say we had a fantastic time together and i am sooo looking forward to being able to repeat it anytime in the (hopefully very) near future.
Unfortunately she had to go back after spending here a bit over 4 weeks because her uni started and the dates were very tight. Ever since than we keep in touch and try to maintain the every day contact. Guys, msn is a good thing! :-))
I do believe that this one month was not enough at all to get to know her but i believe we have started our journey towards each others and we are on the best way to get somewhere with it.
So, as we were talking today i was telling her about my day and so on and she was telling me what had happened to her too. I told her that i had restarted blogging again. I thought she would really try to turn me off or something but no. She told me she had a blog as well and she sent me the link immediately.
OMG i will have the updates of my sister`s thoughts! - this is what came to me for the very first. So i couldn`t wait to get rid of her on the chat and started to read her blogs.
As i was reading them i realised how much i loved her and how much i missed her and i got tears in my eyes. I was eating her words and the way she writes.. Gosh, her kinda sense of humour is so dry and so targeted.. I love her! I really do. She has got a thought about everything. No matter what kind of issues she meets she has got a proper thought about that. - and you know what?! I love it! I love her thoughts!
I noticed that she actually writes nearly every day. This makes me happy. Hehehehe... It is a bit like having an eye on her!
I am feeling a bit like God. He has got his eye on us all the times and by reading her blogs i can have my eyes on her! :-))
>>"This picture was taken by NASA with the Hubble telescope. They are referring to it as the "Eye of God". I thought it was beautiful and worth sharing."<<