Thursday, January 05, 2006

The wonderful man

London. Finally .. I came here on the first stage like it was my home. Oh well, i had never been before. I remember, when i was a kid i used to be dreaming about living in london. I had read a lot about the city. Everything we were tought in schools were basically originated from here. Than as i grew and became older i had some books of Edgar Allan Poe in to my hands. Wow, what an imagination i had those days.. However i always thought that it was a little scary as it came accross by Poe`s writings though i wanted to experience it. Never thought of it to be creepy or scary maybe a little bit a freak but with all my muscles all my emotions i was gonna experience it. Than i got the opportunity. I could move here. Wow, what a city. This was my first thought when first arrived. As i was walking down the streets i had a kinda feeling as i guess i would have got the first time on the Spaceship Voyager. What a mixture of people. London is not only a city. London is not just a place to see or to be seen. London is a Lifestyle. I was amazed... And it opened up its gates for me like for an old friend who was well expected to arrive. I often went to the riverside thinking that i was one of the characters from my childhood stories. I was expecting to bum into Mr Holms or Oscar Wilde. As i was having a walk in the Hyde Park i was dreaming about talking to some old english Lady and having the walk together as we are feeding the ducks. Or when i looked on the house roofes i was expectin Mary Poppnis to pass on as holding her umbrella. The little narrow streets i could imagine Oliver Twist... - and so on. I just fell in love with this all. I have had the question popped up in my head many times Who`s is London? Is it only for the English People? Or is it for the foreigners as there are more of them each day? Well it seems to me London is for those live it. And it is very good. I live here so i have got a part of it. London is like a man. A real man. It can be very nice yet funny and romantic but also strict even tough at the same time. I feel it safe tolerating accepting and beutyfull. It has been years now. And i`ve come to feel my home here..